Saturday, September 29, 2012

I know its been quite a while but I am very busy these days and I believe that at this stage all I should care about are my studies. I am doing GCSE O' Levels. I'll try to post as frequently as possible though so lets just skip in!

De-clutter: De-cluttering is an important step. You don't want to have everything oozing out of place so keep very basic things on your dresser.

Changing the mood: Hats off to my mother she always adds color to our place. It really depends on my mood what I like to keep on my dresser. Sometimes it's like the oh-so-girly vibe everywhere however I like having a nice sober vibe is much suitable.

The feminine feel: You're a lady, a girl or a woman, it doesn't matter. Always give your place a feminine feel. Keep it nice and feminine.

Handy stuff: Keep things you frequently use. Like your fall favorite lipstick that you tend to use frequently. or some bobby pins.
Plus, do keep a magnified mirror on your dresser. Work with precision and observe the over all look with the dresser mirror.

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  1. Nice post..thanks for sharing & great to see you back on blog :)

  2. Thank you so much for your appreciation :)


