Wednesday, July 04, 2012

It's been quite a while since I've posted anythings and there was a reason behind it. This week was not a good one. I had a seriously bad swollen eye, a really bad one and yesterday I burnt three of my fingers with hot glue and my thumb is really looking gross and I'm finding real difficulty to type. Ah well I had to post so I decided to make a scrapbook art.

Bold Markers
Card Stock
Clothing Iron

STEP 1: The first step is to choose the size of the paper. What I suggest is to start with a paper four time double the size of an A4 Sheet vertically and horizontally. So when I wrote my qoute from the song it didn't fit that complete size so I trimmed of the part left behind.

STEP 2: So now you have to start writing and the you have to choose the fonts. It can be anything like bubble writing or italicized. Choose what you think is the best!

STEP 3: Once you've written everything add some hearts because in my opinion the look very cute.

STEP 4: Take some instant coffee and add some water. The coffee should be strong. Take a paint brush and paint the card stock with coffee! You can also do it with tea if you want. This technique make you paper look old and your maker will fade out. It will really make your art love and yes it will also make smell like coffee! Yum.

STEP 5: Once it has dried up, scrunch the paper and rip up the sides. As the card is hard and is bigger in size , you may find some difficulty in scrunching it so either way you can pinch the paper to get the same texture. Now you have to iron the paper with a clothing iron to straighten the curves but the texture will still be there make it look as old paper. Optionally if you want to write again on it, you can surely do so. My letters faded out a bit too much so I had to write over again.

STEP 7: Glue it on a piece of wood and put it over a shelf or if you don't want to so just take some double side tape and stick it on to your cupboard's door!

I love doing this kind of stuff because it is very easy and looks really cool. Hope you enjoyed!

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