Saturday, July 27, 2013

 Whenever I discover a new website or blog the first thing I do is, type "about" in the search bar. I love getting to hear about people out there. I love when I realize that the people in this huge blog community can so easily relate to each other. Since I love this kind of posts I obviously had to one myself. This isn't a tag but I would absolutely love if you all do it too. Now without further ado, I'll let you dive into the ocean of utter randomness!

1. I love YouTube and a year back, I used to go to the bathroom just to film a (fake, duh!) make-up tutorial. I regret many thing I have done in my past, especially filming tutorials in my imagination.

2. I do not eat fruits and most of the vegetables. Basically I prefer to be a carnivore. Rawr!

3. I hate Mathematics with a passion. I just hate it! I have a ton of my own problems to be solved already.

4. I have a mole on my waterline. People always mistake it for some left over eyeliner. Oh and it irritates my eye AH-LOT!

5. I am like(maybe love) acting and debating. I always take part in extra curricular activities excepts for sports because I absolutely suck at it!

6. I had a boy cut till the age of 5. I hated it but I won't really mind if I get the opportunity to have it now. Oh the ease. *sigh*

7. I was an extremely active kid but as years went by I became a lazy hippo. Really really lazy.

8. I was and I am underweight. I can't eat healthy. I just can't.

9. People have one sweet tooth. Every single tooth in my mouth is a sweet tooth. Stock up on candy if you're having me over sometime!

10. I never stick to things I plan especially when it comes to studies. Na ah! I plan I'll study at 4:00 but just as the clock strikes 4:01 I'm like why not skip it on to 5:00?

11. Writing and drawing are my favorite hobbies. I always keep journals in which I write and draw. My little escape.

12. I blush a lot and it's not the  even cute type, I(my whole face, NOT only my cheeks) turn into a ripe tomato within a matter of microseconds. I blush when someone compliments me, when I am embarrassed,  when I am talking to someone I find intimidating, when I am being discussed, and the list goes on and on. And on and on and on- enough Seemal enough!

13. I can't stand people who brag. They get on my nerves especially when they are bragging about something I already have.

14. I love discovering new foods. Not that I have discovered much, but I have very curious taste buds.

15. I have always wanted to learn karate or martial arts for self-defense (Liar! You want to learn it because you want to be cool). Whoops!

16. I have a good sense of humor. I even got advised that I should take part in competitions, but I doubt that I can make anyone laugh.

17. I have three best friends and all three of them left the school I am currently attending. Life is paying me back for God knows what!

18. I want to become a graphic designer or a photographer. After being inspired by so many, I am keenly looking forward.

19. I am good at Oprah singing. It is one of my weapons to make people laugh. No, I don't sing like some old English lady, I don't.

20. I listen to Avril Lavinge and Katy Perry when doing homework/blogging because their songs help me write/type faster. They just set me on GO! mode.

21. I love cooking! Though I have badly failed at making melt-in-the-mouth pancakes, I never stop making new things. After all I'm only 15! What can you expect?

22. I don't like having guests over or being a guest. I don't like to sit with a brick-face all day long in a bunch of rambling aunties. PAH-LEASE!

23. I hate crowds; a. Noise Pollution, b. human odor. Gross. I'd rather devour a cup of coffee at home.

24. I can hear and smell things from quite a long distance. You can compare my sense of smell to a dog. Hey! I am kidding, I am definitely not referring myself to a dog. P.S. I don't like dogs.

25. I am a night person. I get hyperactive and all cheery at night and a total grumpy lady in the morning. I know you can relate.

Tadaa, I couldn't conceal the untold facts about my oh-so-good self. I guess 25 facts alone are too much to take in. Ah, I don't remember what day's today so... happy weekend?

xx Seemal.

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  1. I also like acting, debating, drawing, writing and listening to music while doing homework! Avril and Katy are my two faves!

    p.s: I had a boy cut till the age of 6!

    Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ

    1. Woah! We are alike I guess. Thanks for stopping by :)

    2. I had a boy cut till the age of 9 :'(

    3. Aww! I always wanted long hair but my mom didnt allow :(

  2. Wow seemal,,, its lovely to know 25 facts about you :) You are a lovely person no doubt

    1. Haha thanks! These are really silly ones. Totally random, to be precise.

  3. This was such a fun post! Alot of stuff is SO similiar than mine :D

    1. Thanks! You should do it too, I love these sort of posts :)

  4. OMG.... we are twins :O...
    SAME !!!!!!!

    1. Aww really! Well finally I found a long lost twin of mine :) xx

    2. Haha yes :)
      Your blog is amazing
      Checkout mine
      www.dudettestalk.wordpress.com :)

    3. Thanks for replying! Just checked your blog out. I am loving it.


